Gall bladder post surgery symptom

Gall bladder post surgery symptom is something that indicates that there are some problems in your body.



Gall bladder post surgery symptom is common and knowledge about these symptoms would clear the fear that you have when you experience them.

Nausea is a gall bladder post surgery symptom that can be treated easily. This nausea is caused by the liquid foods that are taken by the patients. Some patients may not be able to take even liquid foods because of nausea.

Such patients can consult a doctor for remedies. Anesthesia given for the surgery is also one of the causes for nausea in patients.

After the patient has recovered from anesthesia post surgery the patient is asked to walk some distance so that blood clotting which is a gall bladder post surgery symptom can be avoided.

Vomiting is also one of the gall bladder post surgery symptom which is also caused by the liquid foods and the medicines taken for the surgery.

General pain in the area where the surgery was done is common. The pain can also be a gas pain which is one of the gall bladder post surgery symptom that indicates the presence of residual carbon dioxide gas in the abdomen.

This residual carbon dioxide gas that is found in the abdomen sometimes move to the right shoulder creating very high pain in the person. Sometimes painkillers are given to get relief from these pains. Bloating and not releasing gas is another gall bladder post surgery symptom.

Most of the patients who have undergone surgery for removal of gall bladder would experience constipation. Constipation is caused by the medicine like painkillers that are taken post surgery.

To treat constipation, foods those are rich in fiber content are prescribed for the patients. Liquid foods are also recommended to get relieved from constipation.

Intermittent diarrhea is also one of the gall bladder post surgery symptom. This happens since the body takes time to adjust to the constant flow of bile to the intestine which is a result of the removal of the gall bladder.

Cholestyramine is mixed with water and taken as a treatment to diarrhea. This binds the stool together and you get relieved from diarrhea.

Redness and swelling in the area of the surgery incisions are common gall bladder post surgery symptom. You can use the discussion forums and many websites meant for getting information on gall bladder post surgery symptom.


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