Usage of Local Anesthesia in Hernia Surgery

In Hernia Surgery, local anesthesia with sedation plays an important role to make the patient pain free, safe and comfortable. Other surgeries might use either local anesthesia or general anesthesia before starting the surgery. But in hernia surgery, only local Anesthesia with sedation is recommended to avoid the injecting pain and risks possible.

Functioning of Local Anesthesia in Hernia Surgery

After injecting local anesthesia in line of incision, it works to produce skin anesthesia in incision line. Deeper tissues that have to be dissected and manipulated are blocked from the nerve supply. Anesthesia for parietal peritoneum and sensitive sac neck is produced.

Advantages of Hernia Surgery Local Anesthesia

Physiological disturbance is very much reduced. Patient is awake and he views the surgery. As there is no drowsiness, it favors early ambulation and recovery soon after the surgery.

4-6 hours of postoperative analgesia is provided by local anesthesia. If the patient undergoing hernia surgery has respiratory disease or cardiovascular problem then general anesthesia should not be used, only local anesthesia has to be used.

Disadvantages of Hernia Surgery Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is not suitable for surgery of large hernia with incarcerated bowel. In such surgeries, general anesthesia has to be given to the patient.

Agents for Local Anesthesia

Prilocaine, bupivacaine, and procaine are some of the prominently used local anesthesia agents. Another local anesthesia agent named Lignocaine rapidly wears off though it acts faster than the other local anesthesia agents such as bupivacaine.

Procedure of Using Local Anesthesia in Hernia Surgery

Depending on the weight of the patient, the volume of local anesthesia permissible is calculated. Resuscitation equipment is kept ready. If the patient reacts to local anesthesia, a cannula is inserted into the patient’s vein.

There won’t be any pain and the patient can realize only the pull and touch. If there is any discomfort, then some more local anesthesia is injected. Local anesthesia with sedation is the most preferred method for hernia surgery over local anesthesia (without sedation).

In the operating room, while the patient is awake, the intravenous line is started using one simple stick. The procedure for giving local anesthesia medicines with sedation is through the intravenous line. The local anesthesia which is a combination of the two medicines Lidocaine and Marcaine with Epinephrine is sent through the intravenous line.

The first one is used for a pain-free short duration local anesthetic whereas the second one guarantees long duration local anesthetic effect which lasts four to six hours. Due to local anesthesia, the hernia surgery patient is free from pain for a long time and so the patient can go home on the same day. Local anesthesia has a very minimum side effect when compared to general anesthesia which causes sore throat, vomiting, head ache etc.

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