Hernia Outpatient Surgery for Adults

What is Hernia?

The development of weakness in the abdominal wall leads to formation of sac called hernia. The weak walls develop bulges gradually and in turn develop into hernias that may cause pain, and navel deformity. Though these hernias usually appear just after the birth, they tend to develop in adults later. In small children, these hernias usually close on themselves by the age of three or four.

If they seem to cause discomfort, then the child can be considered for pediatric hernia surgery. But in adults once hernias start to develop, they have to be treated surgically to correct the problem.

Hernia Outpatient Surgery: Tension Free Repair Technique

Generally hernias are treated by using the latest technique called tension free repair technique. It is a mini-incision technique and uses open mesh tension free repair. This procedure is termed as one day surgery or outpatient surgery. Several categories of hernias like inguinal hernias, umbilical hernias, femoral hernias, incisional or ventral hernias, epigastric hernias can be treated with this modern tension free method of surgery.

Hernia Outpatient Surgery Procedure

This surgery is performed by administering local anesthesia and mild sedation. To assess the completeness and security of the surgery, patient is asked to strain, cough and press down while performing the surgery. This leaves the patient with minimum complications that arise out of the surgery. To safely treat these hernias, a mesh is used.

This mesh is placed under the defective area, and safely secured to avoid further complications. This procedure is a relatively very simple one when compared to the traditional open surgery method wherein the patient’s recovery takes longer time. This procedure does not require cutting or suturing of the muscle.

The inserted mesh is very thin and flexible but at the same time strong enough to support strenuous physical activities. Skin closure is done using plastic surgery methods. Hence, the normal desired concave appearance of the operated area is retained as the position of the operated area is not modified or removed.

Patients operated through this tension free procedure need not stay in the hospital. Since it is an outpatient procedure, the patient can be discharged on the same day of the surgery.

Recovery after Hernia Outpatient Surgery

Since the tension free method of surgery is a very simple one, there will not be any major complications that keep the patient under constant pressure. The patient can get back to his normal activities in just few days though it depends on the intensity of work pressure and the physical activity performed by the patient at home or office.

Exercises like treadmill, brisk walking and stationary bike can be resumed within a day, but exercises that are of little higher intensity like moderate aerobics, moderate weights can be resumed within five to seven days. Heavy physical exercises like tennis, mountain biking, cycling can be started by ten to twelve days of gap after the surgery.

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